Felicity Dunn
Responsibilities: Finance, Risk and Audit Committee, Advocacy and Policy Expert Advisory Committee, Governance Committee
Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts/Music, Postgraduate Diploma in Public Policy & Management, Graduate Certificate in Education
Lives in: Victoria
Represents: Playgroup Victoria
Felicity’s professional background is in education policy, with a particular focus over the past decade in early childhood education and care. Felicity is currently Policy and Research Manager at Community Early Learning Australia, a peak body advocating for both education and care services and children. She is also the founder and director of eQIPd – a service which supports education and care services to use feedback from parents and staff to inform quality improvement in their settings. eQIPd clients are more likely to be rated as Exceeding the National Standards compared with other education and care services. Prior having children, Felicity worked in State Government, specialising in education regulatory policy. She has two adorable children, who, like Felicity and her husband thoroughly enjoyed the fun and friendships which have come from playgroup.