The Power of Intergenerational Playgroups

Who benefits?


  • Learn through play
  • Get to know older people
  • Develop social and language skills
  • Experience and develop empathy, gentleness, respect and acceptance of others


  • Experience multigenerational environments
  • Make friends across generations
  • Feel connected to their community
  • Feel valued as a parent

Older people

  • Feel valued, offering knowledge and support to a new generation of parents
  • Connect (or reconnect) with other generations within their local community
  • Develop new friendships
  • Reduce feelings of isolation and build self-esteem .

Types of Intergenerational Playgroups

Residential aged care

Our members and service partners collaborate with residential aged care services to provide structure, support, resources and family referrals to help with the delivery of Intergenerational Playgroups.

Intergenerational Playgroups can have various formats. Mostly, parents, carers and children meet weekly with residents in a safe and child-friendly area within an aged care setting.

Are there playgroups operating in residential aged care facilities near you? Contact us to find out.

Community-based locations

Intergenerational Playgroups can operate in community settings, as well as residential aged care facilities. In the community, Intergenerational Playgroups can meet in halls, schools buildings or parks, acting as a hub for people young and old.

Would you like to establish an Intergenerational Playgroup in your community? Contact your State or Territory Playgroup Organisation for advice and assistance.