Australia’s Playgroup Statement

‘Children and their families have played and learned on Australian lands for many thousands of years. Connecting with this history, playgroups have a rich place in Australian communities.

‘Communities are where children and their families live, sharing social connections with each other as they play and learn. Playgroup participation contributes to family support and early childhood development outcomes and sits within the context of Family Support services and the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector.

‘Playgroups provide play and socialisation opportunities for children and adults best suited to their unique circumstances. Playgroups have demonstrable benefits for children, families and communities. These benefits translate into increased social and economic wellbeing for Australian society.’

Australia’s first Playgroup Statement represents the collective efforts of a National Advisory Group committed to the universal recognition of the contribution playgroups make to family support and early childhood development outcomes.

Read the Playgroup Statement here.